Our interdisciplinary team has many years of tried and tested operational and tactical experience in market access and many years of experience in implementation and health economics in various areas of the healthcare system. Furthermore we have established a strong network with decision-makers at SHI funds and health economists. To help you with the challenges you face, our interdisciplinary team employs the following competencies:
Methodological competencies:
- Market access and reimbursement pricing strategies (dossiers)
- Predictive and potential modeling with logistic regression analyses
- Multivariate analyses
- Discrete choice experiments
- Propensity score matching
- Health economic evaluations (cost-of-illness studies, cost-effectiveness studies, budget impact analyses)
- Real word evidence using routine data of statutory health insurance companies
- Expertise in social security law (integrated care, articles 135, 137c, 137e et sqq. of the German Social Security Code, Volume V, i.a.)
- Moderation of workshops and seminars
Network and social competencies:
- Network contacts to statutory health insurance funds encompassing about 30 % of the statutory health insurance market
- Extensive network with health economists and universities
- Expertise in communication with public authorities, The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG), the Central Federal Association of Health Insurance Funds and health insurance companies
- Expertise in contract negotiations with health insurance companies
- Close cooperation with specialist lawyers for medical law